You just released your debut EP “Armory.” Kelly, were these songs written before the formation of Wave Break, or were they collectively written by the band?
Kelly: For most of the songs, the lyrics, chords and melody were written before the band formed. Then we came together and figured out the rest of the instrumentation. Flight Syndrome was the only one that I wrote the bare bones for entirely after the band formed, and for Circles, everything but the verses came after the band formed. Then we figured out the rest of the parts for those after they were written too! Wave Break’s debut single “Deadlock” is included on the tracklist. Why was “Deadlock” chosen as your introduction to the world instead of another track? Wave Break: At the time that we were ready to put something out, we had two songs ready to go - Deadlock and Plaster City. We thought that Plaster City was slightly stronger of a song than Deadlock, so we decided to save it for the second single, which left Deadlock for first! Which single do you feel represents the band better as a whole - “Deadlock” or “Plaster City”? Wave Break: Honestly, we think that both songs represent different sides to our sound pretty well. They’re very similar songs, Deadlock is just a bit more melodic than Plaster City. There are other songs on the EP that are similar to both of them. Out of all 6 tracks, which are included in your current live set, and what song do you think translates the best live? Wave Break: We play all 6 songs live at every show! Since this is our only release so far, we usually have time to play everything. We think that Plaster City and Circles probably translate the best live, since there’s so much energy in them that the whole room just explodes when we play them. In terms of production, you chose to keep it pretty minimalistic on this release. Why did you decide to keep the production toned down? Wave Break: We wanted to keep this album as a good foundation to our sound, something that we can build on in the future. We think that this album is a good representation of who we are and what we’re capable of without all the bells and whistles, and that’s what we were going for. Kelly, how is Wave Break’s music different than the last two solo records you released? Kelly: The style is much more alternative/pop punk than my solo material, and much more energetic. On some of my solo songs there were acoustic guitars, and some were almost straight up pop songs. After a while, I got tired of performing alone with an acoustic guitar in my hands. With Wave Break, I wanted to make music that makes people just lose it at shows. Lastly, in your opinion, what makes Wave Break unique amongst other up and coming pop punk bands in the market? Wave Break: Probably the style of the lyrics. Our songs have a similar attitude to other pop punk bands, but the lyrics are usually much more conceptual. Most of our songs are lyrically based around some kind of metaphor, so it’ll take some analyzing to really figure out what the song is about or what any particular line means. Facebook: @wavebreakofficial Twitter: @wavebreakband Instagram: @wavebreakband LISTEN TO "ARMORY":
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October 2021